Thursday, June 4, 2009

Beans Wit Attitude: Abortion

Public funding for abortions has been a controversial subject for over thirty years, dating back to Roe v. Wade in 1973. In 1976, the Hyde Amendment was passed and prohibited the use of federal funds to pay for abortions through federal programs, such as Medicaid. If passed, the Stupak Amendment would bar the use of federal funding for any health insurance program.

Opponents of both bills have noted how it singles out certain demographics of people. Both amendments do not prohibit abortions, but instead make it harder for low-income women to receive abortions. Any women with proper funding and can pay out-of-pocket can still have an abortion.

The Stupak Amendment does allow health insurers to offer plans with abortion coverage to those who pay full premiums, but people receiving subsidies from the government will be prohibited from receiving the same benefits. If the amendment is passed, health insurers are unlikely to provide such coverage because there is no market for it. In effect, any woman who currently has abortion covered in her health insurance plan would lose it.

Whether or not abortion is right, it is legal. Therefore, we believe public funds should be used to fund abortions, but with strict limitations to discourage the practice. A woman would only receive funding for one abortion and only if the abortion is in the first trimester. The government would only fund 50 percent of the cost and the woman would cover the rest. Women would have the right to choose their own doctor, whether it be an abortion clinic or a private doctor.

Leaving the entire cost of an abortion for a woman is too harsh, but entirely paying for it is too light. By
requiring the woman to pay for 50 percent of the abortion, we hope to discourage abortions and encourage safe sex.

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