Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Poetry Corner: Visionary Creation of the Imagination

You tried not to notice me
As I gazed at you from across the room,
But eventually you smiled and came to see
What was the inevitable doom.

You approached me and no words were spoken;
We stared and we both knew:
That those things were in the past and broken;
Now its fixed, we could start anew.

And onto the porch we enroached;
The sky filled with a red and orange hue.
And as the ominous night began to approach,
Our feet bid the ground adieu.

We watched below as the landscape grew;
Why did gravity no longer apply?
It didn't matter, because it was me and you;
Nothing was going to go awry.

It was not out of the ordinary
When the scene changed to a dance;
It felt too perfect, on the contrary;
Something that was buried under the romance.

We jumped and smiled and did not care
About the people who were around us,
For it was ours and no one else's to share,
And suddenly we were in the back bus.

We were close together and holding hands,
Something we had come accustomed to;
And I let you go as if gripping sand;
There was nothing I could do.

You were running away and Death was gaining;
You were going to leave without me.
I grabbed your arm as it started raining,
And awaiting you was a pitch black taxi.

I looked over my shoulder and you looked scared,
For things were looking rather grim;
And neither of us moved, neither dared,
for it was him and she. She and him.

It took a while, but I gave you the nod,
And you looked at me with that face;
I no longer needed to find a God,
I trusted you; it was all I could brace.

And you got in and drove away,
As exhaust and smoke filled the air;
I was blinded by the new day;
I ran my fingers through my hair.

So ended my visionary creation of the imagination,
And I stared at the vacant spot next to me;
I felt the familiar sensation.
I felt so empty.

I had you once again,
Only to be stripped away!
It was a battle I would never win;
It was the start to an awful day.

Brushing my teeth felt like a chore
As I strode through the hallway;
You weren't there; I wanted more!
Oh only if you could have stayed!

I awoke our daughter and hid to cry;
I did not want to appear weak.
She was a constant reminder of you by my side:
Watching her with joy and mystique.

Dropping her off school,
It was something we used to share;
We smiled as she ran, our shining jewel,
As the wind blew through her long brown hair.

Now only I saw the progress,
And I wept as I kissed her goodbye;
And nobody but Julia saw this,
And she smiled as she gave me a sigh.

I drove to work and parked far away,
You made it too hard to drive;
I would be taking a walk this day:
Anything to make me feel alive.

On my trip I thought of our journey;
The times we shared that last forever;
Like the time you said you'd always be with me:
"I promise I'll never die honey, never."

Or the time I questioned your beliefs,
And it was almost our final hour;
But in time we realized each other's needs;
Our love always seemed to empower.

Or the time I cried in your arms,
As my silver-haired mama passed away;
Or the time we visited your farm,
And watched the sun go with the day.

But the fondest memory I hold in my heart,
Is the simplest one of them all:
Is knowing that we'd never be apart,
As we laughed and danced at the ball.

Then I walked by a homeless man,
Who was dressed in brown and grey;
And he was saying something in a trance:
Something I remember to this day:

"Not everything makes sense;
Our lives are too far apart.
But our dreams tell us what's over the fence,
And what's closest to our heart."

I stared and he stared back,
And finally I walked away.
And slowly a smile began to crack,
For it was now a glorious day!

I felt a new life creeping over me;
It felt like the time we flew!
Because life was nothing, and I began to see
How I would get over you:

Though losing you was like being stabbed with a knife,
It wasn't as bad as it seems;
For even if I can't have you in my life,
At least I can have you in my dreams.


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